Bible Trivia and Answers

Many claim to know a lot about the Good Book. Well now it’s time to put those assumptions to the test (in an enjoyable way) by participating in our intriguing Bible Trivia. And even for those who feel their knowledge of Scripture is lacking, TriviaQN has made learning Biblical facts a fun-filled, interactive experience. So without any delay, we present to you our Bible Trivia!

Challenge yourself with a Bible Trivia Quiz!


How many pieces of silver did Joseph's brothers receive from Joseph's sale into slavery?

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Answer: 20
The Ishmeelites gave Joseph's brothers 20 pieces of silver in exchange for Joseph.


How did Moses first encounter the Lord?

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Answer: Burning bush
God manifests Himself before Moses in the form of a burning bush.


Who are Nahor and Haran?

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Answer: Brothers of Abraham
Abraham brothers were Nahor and Haran.


What did Zacchaeus do in order to catch a glimpse at Christ?

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Answer: He climbed a tree
Zacchaeus climbed a tree so he could have clear view of the Messiah on his way to Jericho.


Whose body was thrown out of the window only for her corpse to be eaten by stray dogs?

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Answer: Jezebel
Jezebel was a very wicked queen of Israel during the time of the prophet Elijah. She eventually got thrown out her window, and all dogs in the city feasted on her corpse.


Zippora is the wife to which prophet in the Bible?

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Answer: Moses
Moses' wife's name was Zippora.


In total, how many people went aboard Noah's Ark?

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Answer: 8
There were a total of 8 people on Noah's Ark.


David played what musical instrument?

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Answer: The harp
The harp was the musical instrument David often played to sooth King Saul.


What is the name of the mountain that Abraham almost sacrificed his son on?

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Answer: Mount. Moriah
The Mount. Moriah is where Abraham took Isaac to be sacrificed.

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