Complete Trivia Question List


Which of the following famous singers is actually godmother to Elton John's two sons?

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Answer: Lady Gaga
After being impressed with her skills in managing his eldest son, Zachary, Elton John also named Lady Gaga the godmother of the younger, Elijah.


At what age was Abraham when Isaac was born?

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Answer: 100
Abraham was approximately 100 years when he begot Isaac.


In Arab countries such as Egypt, Jordan and Syria, which other holiday shares the same date as the March equinox?

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Answer: Mother's Day
Beginning in 1956, Mother's Day has been observed on the same date as the vernal equinox in many Arab countries due to the clear association between motherhood and fertility/Spring.


What is the largest democratic country in the world?

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Answer: India
India is considered the largest democracy in the world in terms of population. The country has over a billion people. It's noteworthy that China is more populous than India. However, China doesn't practice complete democracy.


Who are Nahor and Haran?

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Answer: Brothers of Abraham
Abraham brothers were Nahor and Haran.


Who knocked Roger Federer out of the fourth round of the men's singles 2018 U.S. Open Tournament?

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Answer: John Milman
Australian, John Milman defeated Roger Federer in the fourth round of the 2018 U.S. Open championship.


The Devil's Night refers to which day?

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Answer: October 30th
The 30th of October, thus the eve of Halloween is often referred to as the Devil's Night. The Devil's Night began in the 1940s and it is usually associated with very mild acts of vandalism and mischief in some communities.


What does the Japanese term "Sandai Wagyu" translate as?

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Answer: Three Big Beefs
Sandai Wagyu are "the three big beefs" - Matsusaka, Ōmi and the most-famous of all, Kobe.


Where does postage addressed to Santa go in the United States?

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Answer: Indiana
All letters addressed to Santa go to "Santa Claus" at the Indiana post office.


Which great 20th composer claimed to only eat "white" foods?

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Answer: Erik Satie
Erik Satie (1866-1925) is remembered as being quite eccentric; for instance, some people give him the credit as the first musician to wear sunglasses for stylistic purposes. Also, in his "Memoirs of an Amnesiac", he claims to have only eaten white foods such as "eggs, sugar, grated bones... camphorated sausages... cheese (white varieties)... and certain kinds of fish (without their skin)."


What is the name of the first videogame in the "Warcraft" series?

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Answer: Orcs & Humans
The first Warcraft was called "Orcs & Humans", and various aspects of the game, such as its multiplayer functionality and real-time strategy play, helped revolutionize the videogame industry.


A superstitious practice of burying animal bones in one's front yard is meant to protect the individual from?

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Answer: Evil Spirits
There is the belief that evil spirits could be warded off if a person buries the bones of an animal at the front yard of his/her house.


The Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame, where the NBA's greatest players are memorialized, is situated in which US state?

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Answer: Massachusetts
Named after the James Naismith, the inventor of the sport of basketball, the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame can be found in Springfield, Massachusetts.


Which American President said these famous words: "government of the people, by the people, for the people"?

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Answer: Abraham Lincoln
This iconic phrase was said by the 16th U.S. President Abraham Lincoln on November 19, 1863 Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. The phrase was part of his famous Gettysburg Address. The Gettysburg Address is regarded as one of the greatest speeches of all time.


Before relocating to Foxborough, Massachusetts, what city were the Patriots associated with?

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Answer: Boston
The Patriots were based in Boston - and their name reflected it - before moving to Foxborough and changing their moniker to "New England".


What is the highest level a player can reach in "Pac-Man"?

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Answer: 256
A glitch in the code of Pac-Man makes passing the 256th level impossible.

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