Science Trivia and Answers

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What is the largest internal organ of the human body?

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Answer: Liver
The Liver isn't only the biggest organ, it is also the heaviest. The Liver weighs about 3.5 pounds on average. This is on average about 1/36 of your total body weight.


What temperature can the sun reach?

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Answer: 15 million degrees Fahrenheit


Who was the last man to walk on the moon?

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Answer: Captain Eugene Cernan


In the United States, where can alligators and crocodiles be found together in the wild?

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Answer: South Florida
Although crocodiles and alligators look very similar, there is actually a difference. Alligators have wider, rounder shaped snouts, while crocodile snouts are pointed and V-shaped.


What was the first planet to be discovered using the telescope?

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Answer: Uranus
Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun. One day on Uranus last about 17 hours and 14 minutes.

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