Complete Trivia Question List


Mozzarella sticks are prepared using which type of cooking process?

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Answer: Deep Frying
Mozzarella sticks are battered and breaded strips of mozzarella cheese, which are deep fried.


What is the name of the serial killer Clarice is trying to get Hannibal Lecter to help her track down?

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Answer: Buffalo Bill
Buffalo Bill is a sadistic killer who preys on overweight women and skins them.


V-Day is also celebrated on 14 February. What is the purpose of this holiday?

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Answer: To end violence against women and girls
V-Day is a global movement established in 1998 by author Eve Ensler to promote a cessation of violence against women and girls.


In the Bible, the City of David is called?

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Answer: Bethlehem
Bethlehem is named in reverence to King David.


Jacob came face to face with God at what place?

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Answer: Peniel
Peniel is the very spot Jacob wrestled with God (an angel) from dusk to dawn.


Off what country are the islands of Islay, Mull, and St. Kilda located - Ireland, Scotland, or Iceland?

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Answer: Scotland - There are over 790 islands in Scotland; around 130 are inhabited.


In the game of golf, which of the following is a tool is used to hit a golf ball?

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Answer: Golf Club
A golf club is a tool that golfers use in hitting a golf ball. It comprises of a weighty metal or wooden head, a slim shaft, and a grip.


The last two words of the film "The Shawshank Redemption" were?

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Answer: I hope
The last words said in the film were I hope.


Immersing food in vinegar to prolong its lifespan is known as what?

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Answer: Pickling
Foods that are commonly pickled include fruits, vegetables, meats and eggs.


What temperature can the sun reach?

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Answer: 15 million degrees Fahrenheit


Who is regarded as the 13th apostle of Christ to replace Judas Iscariot?

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Answer: Matthias
Matthias is widely regarded as the apostle who wasn't chosen by Christ Himself personally. But Matthias took Judas Iscariot's slot after the latter betrayed Christ.


What is the name of the fictional ad agency the cast of "Mad Men" work for?

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Answer: Sterling Cooper
The make-believe Sterling Cooper ad agency later becomes Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce and then Sterling Cooper & Partners.


Which prison inmate hanged himself because he could not adjust to the outside world after he was paroled in the movie "The Shawshank Redemption"?

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Answer: Brooks
After serving about five decades inside, Brooks gets paroled. Unfortunately he hangs himself because he was unable to adapt to life on the outside.


What is the name of the store that sells broomsticks in Diagon Alley?

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Answer: Broomstix
Broomstix has been part of the Harry Potter universe since the first movie.


What was the name of the virtual pandemic that struck the "World of Warcraft" in 2005?

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Answer: Corrupted Blood
Corrupted Blood was intentionally introduced to the "World of Warcraft" by its programmers via a supervillian, but it soon spread out of control and could only be eradicated by game patches and resets.


In which century did the Catholic Church make St. Patrick's Day an official day to be observed?

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Answer: 17th Century
By the 17th century, the Catholic Church and other churches had began observing 17th March as a feast day for St. Patrick.

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