Science Trivia and Answers

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An animal that lives part of its life on land and part in water is known as what?

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Answer: Amphibian
Amphibians usually have soft, moist skin that is protected by a layer of mucus. They also tend to live in moist places or by a body of water. Examples of Amphibians would be frogs and toads.


How many obvious/trivial factors does a natural number N have?

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Answer: 4 trivial factors.
The positive +1 and +N and the negative -1 and -N.


In the United States, where can alligators and crocodiles be found together in the wild?

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Answer: South Florida
Although crocodiles and alligators look very similar, there is actually a difference. Alligators have wider, rounder shaped snouts, while crocodile snouts are pointed and V-shaped.


The average human body contains how many pints of blood?

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Answer: 10
The average human body contains around 10 pints of blood. Men usually have more blood than women, averaging 10-11 pints of blood.


What is the first organisms to grow back after fire?

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Answer: Moss
Moss grows and spreads extremely easily. For moss to grow, it requires a lot of moisture.

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