Food & Drink Trivia and Answers

Everyone is an expert on food and drink. Right? We mean we all are aware of what goes into our mouths. Or… maybe not. Do you dare to learn more about the world of cuisine? Or are you already a culinary expert who scoffs at the idea of finding challenging, internet-based questions? Either way, TriviaQN’s Food & Drink Trivia will satisfy your appetite for an interesting, fun-filled way to test your knowledge of what we eat and drink.

Challenge yourself with a Food & Drink Trivia Quiz!


Which of the following fruits actually comes from an herb?

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Answer: Bananas
The plants which produce bananas are actually herbs, not trees, since they are not composed of wood.


Red Stripe is a popular beer brand that originates from which country?

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Answer: Jamaica
Red Stripe beer, introduced in 1928, is a product of the Desnoes & Geddes brewing company located in Jamaica.


The red food-coloring carmine is extracted from which source?

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Answer: Beetles
Carmine is used in a variety of candies such as the Mars company's Skittles, and it takes 70,000 beetles to produce one pound of it!


Coconut water can be used as what in the case of medical emergencies?

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Answer: Blood Plasma
Coconut water can be used intravenously instead of blood plasma, though it is not an ideal solution.


What is the official State fruit of New York?

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Answer: Apple
New York State's official fruit is the apple, and accordingly the official State muffin is the Apple muffin.


Which beverage is advertised as being "Sports Fuel"?

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Answer: Gatorade
Gatorade is officially dubbed "the Sports Fuel Company", though its overall athletic benefits have long been a subject of debate.


What does the Slavic word "vodka" translate to in English?

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Answer: Little Water
Although vodka translates to "little water", a person would be foolish to drink it in place of H2O.


Guinness beer was first brewed in which country?

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Answer: Ireland
Guinness Brewery was founded in 1759 in Dublin, Ireland, by Arthur Guinness. Within 10 years of Guinness Brewery opening, it was being exported to England.


Around what year is the first mention of sausages in recorded history?

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Answer: 3000 BC
Though called by other names, sausages are first mentioned in Mesopotamian texts dating back as far as 3000 BC.

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