Bible Trivia and Answers

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How many years did Jacob agree to toil the land for Rachel's hand?

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Answer: 7 years
Jacob had to work for 7 years before marrying Rachel.


In the beginning, what did God give us for meat?

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Answer: Herb
God's true intention was that we feed off the herbs of the land and use it as meat.


After his crucifixion, who takes down the body of Jesus Christ off the cross of Calvary?

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Answer: Joseph of Arimathea
Joseph of Arimathea took down Christ's body and was responsible for the burial.


Which prophet fought with God?

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Answer: Jacob
Jacob battled with God/an angel in a bush. He beseeched him to bless him.


Where was King Ahasuerus' palace located?

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Answer: Shushan
King Ahasuerus' palace was situated in Shushan.


Hagar was the mother of which son of Abraham?

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Answer: Ishmael
Hagar begot Ishmael during her stay as Sarah's handmaiden.


How did Moses first encounter the Lord?

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Answer: Burning bush
God manifests Himself before Moses in the form of a burning bush.


Who did Elisha order to wash seven times in the river Jordan to cure his leprosy?

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Answer: Naaman
Naaman took receipt of a message from Elisha. Elisha ordered Naaman to wash seven times in the river Jordan. (2 Kings 5:10)


With how many loaves of bread did Jesus use in feeding 5,000 men?

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Answer: 5 loaves
It is written in the Scriptures that Jesus fed a 5,000-man congregation with just 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish.


Our faith can only be found in?

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Answer: Redemptive Power of God
Our faith always lay in the power of God. This is according to 1 Corinthians 2:5 (King James Version).

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