May Day Trivia and Answers

May day is a day celebrated by most of the nations in the world. But not all of them celebrate the same thing. And not in the same way. And they didn't always celebrate what they celebrate now. But how much fun trivia associated with this special day do you know?

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Lei Day is a special May Day celebration held in which of America's states?

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Answer: Hawaii
There is perhaps no part of the United States which celebrates May Day as colorfully as Hawaii, since 1 May also serves as Lei Day when the culture of all of the different Hawaiian islands are recognized.


In what year was May Day officially declared as International Workers Day?

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Answer: 1889
In 1889, during the Second International, a conference organized by prominent socialists, 1 May was declared as International Workers Day.


Traditional May Day celebrations in Germany and surrounding nations was tied-in with the recognition of which saint?

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Answer: Saint Walpurgis
Large parts of Central and Northern Europe celebrated Walpurgis Night in acknowledgement of the saint of the same name who was canonized on 1 May, 870.


In which country is May Day the only holiday workers are obliged to be given the day off yet still be paid for it?

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Answer: France
Under French law, work stops, yet workers are still paid, on May Day.


On what calendar day is May Day actually celebrated?

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Answer: May 1
May Day, in its various incarnations, is usually held around the world on May 1st.


May Day was banned in England during which century?

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Answer: 17th Century
For a few years in the mid 17th Century, the church abolished May Day due to its revelrous nature until it was reinstated by King Charles II.


Which African country normally raises its minimum wage on May Day?

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Answer: Kenya
Kenya is known for raising its minimum wage annually on May Day (which they refer to as Labor Day), sometimes to the chagrin of employers.


The traditional, pagan observance of May Day is founded in it occurring almost directly between which two astronomical events?

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Answer: Spring Equinox / Summer Solstice
The astronomical foundation of May Day lies in it falling almost midway between the vernal equinox (usually 20 March) and the summer solstice (usually 21 June) in the Northern Hemisphere, the part of the world where May Day festivals are often relegated to.


The Haymarket Affair, which is widely considered to be the event which led to May Day becoming the international event known as International Workers Day, occurred in which country?

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Answer: United States
The bloody Haymarket Affair was a riot that took place in Chicago (United States) in 1886. This incident was founded in labor demonstrations.


International Workers Day is a very-important holiday to which political party?

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Answer: Communist
Communists take May Day very seriously, which is why the holiday is so popular in places like Russia, China and North Korea.

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