March Equinox Trivia and Answers

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Which country observes an official Vernal Equinox Day?

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Answer: Japan
Vernal Equinox Day is a national holiday in Japan, which is marked by visiting the grave sites of relatives and holding family reunions.


The Happiness Development Movement, which eventually led to the establishment of the International Day of Happiness, began in which year?

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Answer: 1972
The Happiness Development Movement began in 1972 through a philosophy introduced by the king of Bhutan, the same country that initiated the resolution which led to the establishment of the International Day of Happiness.


The concept of promoting and measuring an entire locality's happiness level is known as what?

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Answer: Gross National Happiness
The Buddhist kingdom of Bhutan is responsible for this development - Gross National Happiness - which has been adopted in various countries and cities around the world and laid the foundation for the International Day of Happiness.


Which country initiated the UN resolution which led to the establishment of the International Day of Happiness?

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Answer: Bhutan
This resolution was put forth by the Kingdom of Bhutan, a landlocked country located in South Asia.


In Arab countries such as Egypt, Jordan and Syria, which other holiday shares the same date as the March equinox?

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Answer: Mother's Day
Beginning in 1956, Mother's Day has been observed on the same date as the vernal equinox in many Arab countries due to the clear association between motherhood and fertility/Spring.


Who was the UN General Secretary when International Happiness Day was established?

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Answer: Ban Ki-Moon
Korea's Ban Ki-moon was Secretary-General of the United Nations from 2007 to 2016 and strongly supported International Happiness Day during its inception.


Which country ranked number-one in the UN World Happiness Report of 2018?

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Answer: Finland
The 2018 World Happiness Report, which is related to the International Day of Happiness, ranked Finland as the happiest country on Earth followed respectively by Norway, Denmark and Iceland.


During its vernal equinox, the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth tilts in which direction?

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Answer: Towards the Sun
The Northern Hemisphere starts to tilt toward the sun during its vernal equinox, which results in warmer temperatures and thus brings about the Spring season from Winter.


What does the Latin word equinox translate to in English?

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Answer: "Equal night"
Equinox translates into English as "equal night", which alludes to the fact that day and night hours are virtually the same length during these occasions.


In what year was the International Day of Happiness officially established?

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Answer: 2012
Under resolution 66/281, the General Assembly of the United Nations officially proclaimed 20 March the International Day of Happiness on 12 July 2012.

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