Food & Drink Trivia and Answers

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Tacos are an increasingly-popular fast food that originated in which country?

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Answer: Mexico
Tacos are the most-popular food import from Mexico into the neighboring United States, thanks largely to the Taco Bell fast-food franchise.


What US state is famous for their juicy peaches?

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Answer: Georgia
In 2014, Georgia was third in US peach production behind California and South Carolina.


Munich's Oktoberfest is a celebration of which beverage?

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Answer: Beer
Oktoberfest is Germany's most-popular Volksfest or beer and wine festival.


What popular alcoholic beverage is made from fermented rice?

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Answer: Sake
Sake is a popular Japanese alcoholic beverage made from fermenting rice in a process similar to beer brewing.


Mozzarella sticks are prepared using which type of cooking process?

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Answer: Deep Frying
Mozzarella sticks are battered and breaded strips of mozzarella cheese, which are deep fried.


Which of the following farming techniques often results in the increase of pests and diseases?

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Answer: Monocropping
Due to discouraging biodiversity, monocropping allows certain insects pests and diseases to proliferate.


The "Buddha's hand" is a type of what?

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Answer: Fruit
The Buddha's hand, a type of fruit found in the Far East, is called so because it has finger-like sections which resemble representations of Buddha.


What popular beverage once contained cocaine?

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Answer: Coca-Cola
Until 1903, Coca-Cola contained a significant amount of cocaine. Cocaine infused drinks were quite common in the late 19th century.

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