April Fools Day Trivia and Answers

April fools day is the day that anything can happen. And it has not been few pranks that have happened on that day. History is as full of fools as there have been April firsts. Come and get tested by our entertaining trivia about this special day without getting fooled!

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Which country suffered an infamous prank by a former Google executive concerning internet censorship in 2013?

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Answer: China
On 1 April 2013, former Google China head Kai-fu Lee joked that the Great Firewall, China's infamous internet regulations and censorship, was penetrable, allowing access to Facebook and Twitter. His prank drew over 10,000 comments, many of which were filled with insults or other forms of anger.


Traditionally, at what time of the day on April Fool's Day is all joking to cease?

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Answer: 12:00 PM
All joking and hoaxing are to stop by 12:00 pm on 1 April. If not, in some countries the person pulling the prank is rather seen as a fool than the person tricked by it.


Which American sitcom once aired an episode entitled "April Fool's Day" which was actually about Tax Day?

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Answer: Roseanne
The hit 1990's sitcom Roseanne aired such an episode on 10 April 1990 which actually centered on the family scrambling to file their taxes on time.


Which American city has an actual parade on April Fool's Day?

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Answer: New York City
The April Fool's Day Parade, founded by famous prankster Joey Skaggs in 1986, is now organized annually by the New York April Fools' Committee.


A task that has zero chance of success is known as what?

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Answer: Fool's Errand
A fool's errand is a common April Fool's Day prank, such as sending a person to search for something that doesn't exist.


Which technological innovation was once famously believed to be an April Fool's Day prank?

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Answer: Gmail
Gmail was launched on 1 April 2004. At that time, many people thought it was a hoax for a webmail service to offer a whole gigabyte of free storage.


On 1 April 1946, which disaster struck Hawaii which people initially thought was a hoax?

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Answer: Tsunami
This disaster, which resulted in the death of over 160 people, has been dubbed the April Fools Day Tsunami due to some in Hawaii believing that initial warnings of such were a hoax.


Which restaurant chain fooled the public on 1 April 1998 with the introduction of a fictional sandwich specifically for left-handed people?

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Answer: Burger King
Burger King released an ad for the fictitious "Left-Handed Whopper" on April Fool's Day of 1998, upon which reportedly thousands of customers went to their stores requesting the sandwich.


In theory, April Fool's Day is related to which Greco-Roman festival of old?

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Answer: Hilaria
Hilaria was held shortly before 1 April during the March equinox and as the name implies featured a lot of joking and merriment.


In France, which animal has come to characterize the observance of April Fool's Day?

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Answer: Fish
April Fool's Day is referred to as April Fish Day, with jokes and pranks usually being centered on, as you may have guessed, fish.

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