Movie Trivia and Answers

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Who is the world-famous writer and director of "Seven Samurai"?

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Answer: Akira Kurosawa
Although his name is not popular in the modern age, Akira Kurosawa (1910-1998) is one of the most-influential filmmakers in cinematic history.


Which "Pulp Fiction" costar is now a regular in the Marvel Cinematic Universe?

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Answer: Samuel L. Jackson
Samuel L. Jackson also plays Colonel Nick Fury in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.


In the movie "The Shawshank Redemption" Captain Hadley's brother had left him some inheritance money. What industry was his brother in?

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Answer: Railroad
Andy helped Hadley evade some taxes on his inheritance from his brother who was in the railroad business.


The character for Matilda in "Leon" proved to be the inspiration for which movie?

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Answer: Colombiana
A script for a "Leon" sequel called "Matilda" was written by Luc Besson. He has been unable to produce it due to a conflict he has with the studio that owns the rights to "Leon". However he is said to have used it as the foundation for "Colombiana", released in 2011.


How long did it take for development of the film "The Shawshank Redemption" to begin after the rights had been purchased by Frank Darabont?

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Answer: 5 years
It took Frank Darabont, the director, five good years to start developing the movie after he had purchased the rights from Stephen King.


To whom is the movie "The Shawshank Redemption" dedicated to in the end?

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Answer: Allen Greene
The entire movie is dedicated to Frank Darabont's agent and friend, Allen Greene.


What is the name of the highly-entertaining main village of "the Matrix"?

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Answer: Agent Smith
Agent Smith, who as an "Agent" protects the Matrix from potential threats (like Morpheus), is the main antagonist of the movie.


Who is "the Lord" referred to in the title "Lord of the Rings"?

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Answer: Sauron
"The Lord of the Rings" is actually a reference to the Dark Lord Sauron, the main bad guy in the trilogy.

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